I offer my clients customized, results-driven sales strategies and coaching tailored specifically to your unique values and business goals.
If you've tried other programs, strategies, or scripts that felt icky. Or maybe you don't even know what's working anymore and want to get fresh eyes to help you see how to create more sales in unique ways.
You're in the right place.
Working with me is a one of a kind experience. Through the lens 20 years of sales and marketing experience, you'll feel like you have you bestie on speed dial.  I'm coming in as a consultant so that means I'm going to do some of the heavy lifting for you with my "Done for You" services. Together we'll course correct and I'll provide feedback in real time so we can get results faster. I'll help you calibrate so your doubt turns into confidence and it feels like it's working.  It will feel like 5 star Sales Concierge service.
Imagine waking up each day knowing exactly what you need to do to create ideal clients.
I'll take the guessing work out for you.
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Different Ways I Work with Clients...

Each of these services are à la carte or can be packaged together. I create custom Consulting & Coaching Packages based on your needs, desires, business goals and budget. 

Sales Coaching 

Become the person whom selling becomes effortless. You're confident showing up, making offers, selling at the end of Masterclasses, Webinars or Sales Calls. Kiss Imposter syndrome good-bye đź’‹ After our time together selling will feel as natural as talking to your bestie and you'll be comfortable showing up consistently making offers in your business.

Clarity in Niche, Offer or Messaging

If one of these three things are off, it's going to make it a lot harder to sign clients. On the flip side the more clear you are on these areas the easier it is for clients to say, Hell Yes! to your offer. 🤩 You'll walk away knowing who you're talking to and how to talk to them in a way they easily understand and resonates AND your offer will be so freaking good, it basically sells itself.

Create Content & Copy that Sells 

Does it ever feel like you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall trying to see what sticks with your marketing? Or maybe you're stuck in "I don't know what to say".  You're creating content and making offers but it's crickets. 🦗 After our time together you'll always know exactly what to say and how to say it in a way that creates clients. I also offer Done for You Sales Copy writing services. My speciality is writing copy that converts into clients.

Increase Your Booked Sales Calls & Close Rate

One of the biggest questions my clients face is "Where do I find clients?" they want to know how to get in front of more people so they can book more sales calls and sign more clients. đź“ž You'll walk away knowing how to create more consult calls AND will sign more clients because you have a higher close rate for sales calls. The fastest way to increase your sales without more work is by increasing the close rate percentage.

Outsource Sales Calls 

You’re so over doing your own sales calls and you want someone else {or a team} to do them for you. Not only do you want someone else to do them for you but you want a higher close percentage and you want the sales experience to feel really good to you, the sales person and your potential clients. I’ll come in, hire and train a sales person or team for you and increase your consult close rate so you can spend your time doing the things that light you up.

Move from Selling via Sales Calls to Masterclasses

You’re so over sales calls and want to move to sell your high-ticket coaching, groups, programs or masterminds through a Masterclass or Webinar that consistently converts.Or maybe you're already doing a Masterclass but want to sign more clients.  I’ll help you create a sales funnel using a Masterclass or Webinar that does the selling for you.

Business & Sales Audit

Not sure what's wrong? I'll take a look and help you. Something isn’t working and you don’t want to waste time doing the guessing work anymore. Maybe you want to get more sales calls scheduled or increase your close rate. Maybe you’re trying to increase your price or scale your groups, course or Mastermind but you’re tired of the ups and downs. After we work together you'll know exactly what the problem is and I'll help you fix it. 
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My Promise to You:

Working together will be a completely unique experience. This is not just me looking at your mind and coaching you. I'm coming in as a Sales Consultant who happens to also be an amazing Embodiment Coach. You're going to get complete access to me and my 20 years of sales & marketing experience on demand. I'm going to get my hands dirty and look at your funnels, watch your masterclasses, listen to your sales calls, read your copy and give you real time feedback. One of my clients said it felt like a luxury 5 star service having me there to help her course correct her strategy and energy in real time creating momentum for results faster.

I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is:

I'm so certain that I can help you increase your sales that I'm willing to take on part of the risk. I offer Performance Based Pricing Plans where I get paid based on the actually results I get you. Instead of charging a large sum up front I’m charging a smaller consulting fee to get started and then I make a percentage of sales closed. The more money they make the more I make, making it a win/win for everyone. {Not available for some services. Sign up for a Consult Call to discuss details}

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