Are you a soulpreneur who dreams of making a profound impact on people's lives?

Do you have a burning desire to serve and change lives for the better, but the thought of selling your services makes you want to run and hide? 😬

You have a service, you might even call it your "gift" or zone of genius that the world needs. But...your aversion to sales is holding you back from reaching the people who need you most. 

I’m gonna say it… you’re in your own way. 

👀 People are looking for you. 

They want your wisdom, your healing and the transformation you offer… but they can’t see you. 

Here’s the truth:

In order to help others and have an impact, you have to be able to sell yourself and make a bunch of offers to the right people.
Selling is the bridge for you to help your ideal clients get what they want (to get some kind of results) and you get what you want (to get paid for helping others).
People need what you offer and your ability to sell yourself and your services is what's in your way.
👯‍♀️ You know that if you could just show up and make offers that sell, you could make the massive impact you're meant to make. 

What if I told you that selling could feel as natural and aligned as breathing? 🌬️ 

That you could attract your dream clients with ease, confidence, and even FUN? 🤩


Imagine waking up to messages from soulmate clients who are excited to work with you, knowing that each one represents a life you'll change for the better. 🙌💰

This isn't just a fantasy, friend. It's what's possible for you when you learn to sell in a way that feels good to your soul. 🌟

It’s time to transform your relationship with sales so that you can change the trajectory of your business and the impact you’ll make on the world.


Effortless Sales

For Soulpreuners Who Love to Serve but Hate to Sell

This one-of-a-kind immersive experience that combines proven sales strategy with deep spiritual inner work to help you create a business that lights you up. 🔥

This 12-week small group program is designed to help you: 

✅ Transform your relationship with sales from icky to irresistible 

✅ Clear out old programming and step into your power as a confident, worthy coach 

✅ Master the art of leaned-back, ethical selling (no pushy tactics, ever!)

✅ Create a crave-worthy offer that practically sells itself

Know exactly how to talk about your offer in a way that your ideal clients easily understand and want to work with you.

✅ Develop a unique sales strategy that lights you up and fits your lifestyle

Plus, you'll learn my signature Embodiment Technique to help you get out of your head or self sabotage and into aligned action. 🧘‍♀️ 

🔑THIS is the key to magnetic selling and finally making sales feel aligned, and actionable. 

This is not just another cookie-cutter sales training. 

It's a holistic approach that covers both the practical skills of selling and the mindset and energy work necessary to sell in a way that feels good to your soul.

Imagine hiring your own high performance sales consultant who’s there to look at your copy, dial in your offer, give you real time feedback and is accessible whenever you need them.

Your experience in this program will be exactly that. 

💕 When you join, you’ll have direct, 1:1 access to me via Voxer, our weekly coaching over Zoom, and through email.

💕 I will help you with anything in your biz from refining your copy to crafting your offer in a way your soul-aligned clients can’t resist.

💕I’ll be there to help you when you just don’t know what to say in your marketing, in your consultations, or through email.

And this program is built to connect you with your inner guidance  - not just me - so you can be sure that everything you create in this container will be fully aligned and authentic to you.

You might have been told so many different things from different coaching containers, but the truth is that a simple, soulful strategy that is custom to you is exactly what will take you from spinning to soulfully selling.

I'm Lauren Ciesco, Spiritual Sales Coach and Consultant to Soulpreneurs. I've been in the sales game for 20 years. 

I've sold over ahalf a million dollars in coaching alone, and I've run 6-figure programs and masterminds for my loyal circle of soul-seekers.

My foundation in sales goes much further back than just selling coaching. 

Before my coaching business, I was a top sales performer eventually creating training programs and building out sales teams for corporations 

I could train anyone to successfully sell - even if I’d never sold anything in their particular industry!

And here's the thing: I'm not your average sales coach. 

🔮 I'm Woo-AF and I'm convinced that spirituality and sales are like soulmates, perfectly complementing each other on the path to success. 💑💼 🔥 

I don't do cookie-cutter formulas or snoozefest scripts. 

I teach you how to trust your intuition and sell from a place of alignment and authenticity.

If you're ready to finally break through your sales blocks and start making the impact you know you're meant to make, I invite you to join us.

When you join Effortless Sales, you'll get:

👯‍♀️ Hands-on support, accountability, real time feedback, coaching and a whole lot more from yours truly...Think of it like having a sales consultant that's woo woo AF on speed dial.
There are four different ways you have access to me.
1️⃣ Start off with a 1:1 call with me to create a custom strategy for you based on your goals, vision, values and lifestyle.
2️⃣ Live weekly coaching call in a small group setting. First 15 minutes will be for embodiment work to active you. Weekly coaching calls are Tuesday's at 1:00ET/10:00PT. 
3️⃣ Voxer Support. You'll have a direct line to me to ask me any questions, get real-time coaching, get specific help and feedback based on your unique business strategy.
4️⃣ Email me. You can submit a request for feedback for me to look at copy, listen to sales calls, give feedback on sales pitches, sales pages, ect.
🎓 8 modules of life-changing content everything from Sales Philosophy to Offer Creation and attracting your soul-aligned clients. (See detailed module layout below). You'll get lifetime access.
👯‍♀️ Weekly accountability to help you stick to what you say you're going to do. I'll help you create a plan and stay on track so you can build momentum in your business.
🎁 Bonuses like monthly workshop on niche topics and guest expert trainings
🗣️ A community of like-minded soulpreneurs who are on the same path
📚 Workbooks with every module to get you into action
👠 Step-by-step guidance for crafting your offer, growing your audience and hitting that first $100K and scaling beyond 🚀


This is for the coaches and healers who know they're meant for big things, but have been letting their blocks around sales hold them back.

If you're ready to:

🔥Finally break through your resistance to selling and start reaching the people who need you

🔥 Learn how to articulate your services so soul align clients easily understand what you do and want to work with you without hype marketing.

🔥Learn to sell in a way that feels authentic, aligned, and fun 

🔥Make the income and impact you know you're capable of

... Then Effortless Sales is everything you need to start or scale your business.

You have a world-changing gift, your "zone of genius" and it's time to start sharing it on a bigger scale. 

The world needs what you have to offer, and Effortless Sales will give you the tools, alignment, and support you need to get it out there.


Get instant access and start your journey today!

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So, my beau-ti-ful soulpreneur, are you ready to finally step into your power and attract your dream clients? 🚀

You were born to share your unique gifts and genius with the world. 

Deep down, you know that your purpose is to serve others, create meaningful impact, and get paid abundantly for doing what you love.

But here's the thing: the only obstacle standing between you and your wildest dreams is, well...YOU

Whether it's fear, self-doubt, or a never-ending list of excuses, you've been holding yourself back from truly shining your light and making the impact you were meant to make.

That's exactly why I created this program. 

It's everything I wished I had known 7 years ago when I was stuck in my own way, spinning my wheels and wondering why I wasn't seeing the results I desired. 

But I quickly realized that it's not just about having the right information – it's about taking consistent, aligned action.

If you've been making excuses and letting your fears run the show, this program is specifically designed for YOU

It's not your average sales course that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. Instead, I specifically designed it to keep you engaged, inspired, and most importantly – in action.

This is the course that you deserve.

Through the powerful combination of soul-aligned strategies and inspired action, you'll experience a real AF transformation. 

You'll release the limiting beliefs and patterns that have been holding you back, and step into the fullest expression of your authentic self. 

And, you'll become the kind of person who effortlessly attracts dream clients, scales your business with ease, and creates the impact and income you've always desired.

At its core, this program is all about realigning you with your inner guidance, serving others and making a difference in the world. 

The more you show up, share your message, and make irresistible offers from a place of alignment, the more impact and abundance you'll create. 

It's a beautiful cycle of service, sales, and soul-level fulfillment.

So if you're ready to stop playing small, break through your barriers, and create the business and life of your dreams.

This is your invitation to join me on this transformational journey. 

Together, we'll unlock your full potential and create a ripple effect of positive change that goes far beyond your wildest imagination.

It's time to step into your full power and start changing lives, friend.

Here's what my clients have to say about working with me;

Thank you so much Lauren, for this work. It’s so needed in our industry where there are coaches telling people they’re doing it wrong, that there’s a specific script to follow. You’ve shown me it’s okay (and lucrative) to break the rules.” - Melisa

"It's a truly beautiful experience to work with Lauren... One of the very best coaches that I know." - Clotilde

"Lauren ALWAYS overdelivers! If you are looking to reach new levels in your growth, either personal or business, I highly recommend Lauren." - Kelli 

"Lauren teaches you how to trust yourself, so that memorizing a script isn’t necessary. She helps us create an inner confidence that radiates out to clients. It changes how you move through the world and it definitely changes your marketing." - Helena

CLICK HERE for more testimonials.


Here's what's covered in the modules;


Start to transform your relationship with sales so you love to sell and signing clients becomes enjoyable. You'll learn a win/win sales philosophy that creates ethical selling so it feels good for everyone. Master the art of leaned-back selling and say goodbye to pushy, icky, manipulative sales techniques for good.


Get in your body and out of your head. You'll clear out the old programming so you can shift into feeling confident and worthy of charging for your services now. You'll also get clear on your why and mission so it inspires your actions. This is when selling gets easy and fun.


These tools are the antidote to imposter syndrome, doubt, resistance, thinking "I don't know" or anything that's holding you back from showing up and selling confidently. You'll have the tools to get into aligned action. Think of these 8 weeks as a boot camp to practice these tools with support to keep you going when it gets hard.


I'm taking you back to the sales basics because when you understand why people buy and know how to connect with them, you don't need a big audience to make a lot of money. You'll learn how to authentically connect with your audience so there is no convincing needed when you sell.


Create an offer so good it sells itself. You'll get crystal clear on your offer and how to talk about it in a way that your ideal clients resonate with and want to buy. These are the exact steps to create a no-brainer offer that you not only feel excited about but feels easy to sell.


You'll learn how to sell and scale for ethical sustainable growth. Whether you're starting by signing your first 1:1 clients or wanting to scale to groups, this module is going to give you what you need to scale in a way that feels good to you.


Stop trying to fit yourself into a box that isn't meant for you. This module is going to walk you through creating your Unique Sales Strategy that is based on YOU, your strengths, what lights you up, and fits into your lifestyle. Selling gets to be enjoyable and fun too.


This Module is the answer for how to sell and make offers that feel good. I'll give you the energetics and strategy for how to sell on consult calls, make offers through emails, write sales pages, sell using social media, and how to close and pitch at the end of live events {workshops, masterclasses, webinars}.

It's time to step into your full power and start changing lives, friend. I’m so excited for your journey!

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