Close More Sales Calls

You might cringe when I tell you that I LOVE doing Sales Calls. {But hear me out on this…}
I love them because I’m really good at them and most of the time a potential client get on a consult call with me they end up working with me.  
We tend to love the things we are good at and hate the things we are bad at. 
In this case, loving sales calls has led to me sign more ideal clients and make more money. 
But I didn’t always love at doing them.
I was willing to learn to get really good at consult calls because I understood that sales is a numbers game and when you can learn how to intentional increase you close rate you can increase your sales by huge percentages without more work!
Let me paint a picture for you...
For someone who is doing 10 consults selling a $5,000 offer;
at 20% close rate in 2 new clients a month = $10,000
at 30% close rate in 3 new clients a month = $15,000
at 40% close rate in 4 new clients a month = $20,000
at 50% close rate in 5 new clients a month = $25,000
at 60% close rate in 6 new clients a month = $30,000
at 70% close rate in 7 new clients a month = $35,000
That's huge difference in monthly revenue between a 20% close rate and a 70% close rate. 
Now it’s your turn… Figure out what your consult close percentage rate is.
What would an increased close rate do for your business & revenue if it went up 20% 30% 40%?
When you are good at sales calls it can have a huge impact on your business without having to do more work. You’ll just be more effective at something you’re already doing!
My offer to you…
I want to help you become really good at consult calls so you love them and then you close them more often making you even more money.
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I’ll coach you, give you real time feedback on your consults calls, help you create a custom process that feels really good to you so it feels easy to close consult calls.

After doing over 600 consult calls and closing millions of dollars of sales plus my 20 years of sales experience, I’m SO CERTAIN I can help you increase your consult call close rate.

This is the kind of investment that pays for itself. 

If you want to increase your close rate on consult calls, let’s get on a consult call together and talk about how I can help hit your sales goals.

Plus you’ll be able to experience what my consult call process feels like. It’s a unique ethical sales framework that creates safety to buy without any icky tactics. I promise you’ll feel the difference and want to create the same for your clients because it will feel refreshing.

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Hi, I'm Lauren!

Your new business bestie who just happens to be a Sales, Marketing & Embodiment expert.

⭐️ My superpower is helping you make money for the things you love {AKA Sales} by selling in a way that feels good to you and your potential clients so they love buying from you.

➡️ After 20 years of sales and marketing experience and being a top performer...
➡️ Developing Sales trainings for corporations and in the personal brand space…
➡️ Doing over 600 sales calls that resulted in selling over million dollars in high ticket coaching, program, masterminds….
➡️ Managing  and understanding sales funnels and conversion rates for a sales team of 20+ people before social media was even a thing...
I've created a proven Sales Framework that not only feels good to you when you sell because you're selling in integrity and it's built on sales principals used for by Entrepreneurs and leaders for decades so it works regardless of the online trends.
My Sales Framework is simple and repeatable so you can scale your coaching business to multiple six-figure by focusing on signing one client at a time organically. {No paid ads, website, or social media required}
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