expectations of what we think it's going to be like being an entrepreneur. Being entrepreneur, entrepreneur, versus the reality is sometimes quite different, right? So my expectations was okay, I'm gonna quit my corporate job and then I'm going to hire the best coach out there and they're going to tell me exactly what to do and then it's going to work and then I'm going to make a bunch of money. And it's just going to work because that's just the way it is. But the truth is, is that that's not exactly how it worked. Like, the reality is that I ended up spending a fuck ton of money on coaching and programs and strategy and not getting the results I wanted or that I thought I needed but what I actually got in return for that money and for that experience is a lot of lessons and learning what to actually do right so it's never what we think it's going to look like as far as strategy sometimes and what I want to teach you today is going to help you have a little bit more power and control to actually create the results you want. Now what I don't want you to think I'm saying is that coaching and strategy don't work. Because it's not true at the right time, the right coach and the right strategy is going to help you get the results faster. Okay, so at the right time in place, it always is helpful, but what it really comes down to is that we make signing clients and creating a business so complicated, and the reason why is because we're looking for that one thing that we that is going to be easy, and then that one way that just be like oh, if I do this, it's going to work and unfortunately, it doesn't necessarily work like that because what worked for the expert or the person that selling their strategy worked for them and then they teach you how to do it in a way that they worked. And sometimes that will work for you but sometimes you need to make tweaks about how that works. And right now I'm actually currently I have an offer called Hell yes offers which is probably one of my first offers that I created that is actually like purely strategy. And it's been fun taking my clients through it, seeing it and now seeing that the thing that's really really going to make it work and why I can guarantee results is because I know that it's not about all about the strategy it's about also part of the energetics that come in and make it a really beautiful easy thing to then create clients so. So today, I'm going to share with you a little bit of my history about how I learned how we can't 100% rely on somebody else's strategy in order to make it work and how to make strategy work for you. Okay, so this is really kind of a two part thing. So let me start with my story about how I really how I figured this out and I love telling the story. And I had the amazing privilege to work with, I think one of the best coaches out there in the industry. And it was with Brooke Castillo of Life Coach School and probably it was probably like, what, three years ago now, back in 2019. She did this mentorship where she took 10 people in a mastermind format it was called 100% The 100k mentorship and the offer that she sold is all I'll help you make $100,000 if you you know, you pay me $25,000 And if I don't get you those results, then I'll give you your money back. Right. So amazing, amazing offer. I felt like this was like a no brainer and even though I did not have the money at the time, like literally did not have the money in my bank account maybe had $1,000 I found the money I found a way to find it which was to have somebody Invest in me okay, and I got the money now. Here's what I really learned and like the whole value that I got out of this and I also want to start off by saying that when we're hiring, when we're working with coaches, we have this thing where we tend to want to put somebody on a pedestal and when that strategy doesn't work, we want to blame them. And so what I want to make sure that I'm not doing is that I'm not putting Brooke on a pedestal and I'm not blaming her right, she's human, she's amazing and she is brilliant. She has amazing results and what she teaches works when you are aligned to it right and I'm going to tell you all the mistakes that I made that you're not doing this, this the same thing that I will write so this is very much about taking responsibilities and for our results, even while we're hiring other people and following strategies. Okay, so when, you know for me when I was at that point, I was kind of newly certified I didn't know how to build a business and all I knew is that I love Brooke she was living the life I wanted to to live and so I said hell yes. So the way that she sold it, she did not sell it she just sold it based off of these results. Are you in and out there was no actual details about the strategy. And once I was accepted and brought in I learned that they were gonna teach us how to make Facebook funnels. Now, this was such an amazing experience because I got to work with not only Brooke Castillo and her team that at that point we're spending like $100,000 a month on Facebook ads, but also Cara Lo and file and Corinne Crabtree who also have had lots of success on funnel so I literally learned from nuts and bolts of how to take a niche a concept, a website and build out a funnel that works with emails the whole thing in one week. And then from there, we went out and tested it and it was a really interesting experience because during it Yes, I got results and in their eyes. You know I was doing fairly well with my response on my Facebook ads. However, looking back now, it was not working for me because I was miserable doing it. I didn't like Facebook ads. I didn't want to be doing fine and I hated doing emails at that point. Now I love emails but I realized that what had happened is that I just put all of my power in Brooke and her plan and because I love her and I trusted her because I had gotten so many results through listening to her that I kind of just went with it. And so what it really felt like for me was just checking the boxes like every week she would have a send us the stats and I remember every morning Monday morning I would have dread in my body literally sending her these stats every week because it was just because in like what I was like doing it was like checking a truck, checking a book, checking a checklist, like, oh, I have to send my email. Now I have to do this. I have to do that and end up becoming a bunch of half dudes because I didn't really feel aligned to the strategy. Right? And so it's really interesting looking back now and I love this because she after doing making this offer. She also, in retrospect came back and did a podcast episode. on that and what she learned and she learned to it's like when you she learned the mistake that she made with selling, selling that she's going to guarantee the results or our money back and what happened is that she realized that we didn't really understand why we were doing it that once again the same realization that I had that I was just checking checkboxes the same thing that she she did to where she realized that one time she asked us she was like six months in she we were all meeting needs to meet like every quarter in six months and she was like okay, what's what's our process tell me like, what's our strategy and not one person in the room could tell her her strategy because we were all just so reliant on her or her telling us what to do. And it was just this like huge in retrospect. Moment. I'm so grateful that I was part of this and got to experience it. myself. Because I now see that the thing that really makes strategy work is not just not the strategy because somebody's telling you to do it. It's you really being aligned to it and you understand why you're doing it and not only understand why you're doing what it what it is to get the result, but you're actually aligned to that action and it feels good to you. Okay, so at the end and I ended up was supposed to be a year long in six months and she decided to change, change the way it was and gave me another option and it was either stay. And if you stay and you don't make your money and you don't make the $100,000 you don't get your money back or you could leave right now and you get your money back. And at that point, it was literally the scariest decision I had ever made in my life. And I decided to leave because it didn't feel aligned to me. Now at that point. I was not as connected to my inner voice and trusting to my inner voice but I knew that there was something in me that didn't feel right and this literally felt like the most devastating thing in my life because at that point in my eyes, Brooke was my mentor. She was one of the most important people in my whole entire life. Like I had plans for us, right like I was like, we're gonna be friends and I'm gonna be on her podcast and just like all of this stuff, and I totally when I decided to walk away I realized I was walking away from the hopes and the dreams of like in this mentor and I really had to step back and heal from it and it was really really hard and it was the best lesson and now on the other hand and after being angry at myself and after going through all of these emotions and even at some point like having to make be mad at her there is nothing but healing and realizing that this is when you are putting out something into the world when you are helping people through transformations, that it's a two way street. It's not just you leading the person, but it's also on the other person to be able to get the results. And when we're creating containers. The most important thing that I'm learning is teaching people not only the strategy, but why they are doing the strategy and more importantly and this is the most important part. So take note it's who you're being while you're doing it. Okay, and so who I was being in this, and in this particular part of my life was I was being like fan girl of Brooke Castillo being like, well, we're coming to do it, so I'm going to do it. And the reason why I was doing is because Brooke told me to do it and I didn't know why I was doing it except that if Brooke told me to do it, and she has the results and it should work, then it should work for me. And really it was just this I was not enjoying what I was doing. I was doing it but I had negative energy and I was like I hate this and I don't know why I'm doing this and it felt like resistance. So if you're in your business and you're doing things and you don't know why you're doing things, or strategy or it's because somebody else told you to it because it's part of a strategy and it doesn't feel good. It's not going to work the strategy is not going to work okay, and that's really why I'm created this podcast episode. And it's interesting because right after I recorded so the last two episodes were on offers right actually like strategy of how to fix your offer and it's funny because after recording both of those episodes, I had this little bit of this like vulnerable hangover where I was like, Oh my gosh, I feel like I missed the most important thing with talking about the strategies, which was the den to make some kind of caveat either at some point before after the episode that hey, by the way, this is only going to work if it feels aligned to you and teaching you how to actually mold it. And so it just feels really aligned that the next episode that I'm releasing after those is actually how to make your strategy work because if you listen to those podcasts episodes, you have to also do what I'm going to talk about today which is to make it your own and by the way, if you have not listened to those podcast episodes, go back and listen. They are so good. I actually have the people that are in hell yes offers right now are listening to them. And they're saying that it's helping them do the work that we're already doing even deeper. They're so good and so valuable. So if you don't know why your offer is selling, or you want to learn how to sell your offer, those are going to give you more of the strategy and then along with this episode, right now the energetics that alone could get you signing clients sooner than you can even think okay. And the other thing that it's just really reminding me to wear it's it's fun in my business. I allow myself to have fun and kind of play around with my offers. And what I'm doing and my signature offer which is effortless sales, which is literally the tagline is like the missing piece to make your strategy work. So I knew that the thing and by the way, I my first $100,000 I use a little bit of strategy, and it felt really icky. I second $100,000 Like the second year that I made $100,000 I use no strategy and only sign clients based off of the energetics which I'm going to teach today using zero strategy. And now I've been going back to using a little bit more strategies to help scale or to make it to make the results even faster. And what I'm realizing is that when you have both a little bit of strategy and the energetics that you can get results even faster. And that's really what's been really fun for me too. So let's talk about the next piece of the puzzle which is what is the energetics right like what is energetics when I'm saying it and really it's just the study of energy and emotions. The first introduction of energetics for me was law of attraction. Okay, this is realizing that our thoughts create things but really the thing that ties it together that creates the thing is the emotional piece. The emotion is the key. We live in a world that is based on frequencies and emotional, literally everything is energy. And when you can understand the basics of how the world works, and you can learn how to shift the energy in your body. You then become a magnet for whatever it is that you desire. And when you know how to turn on this magnet to attract soul clients, then signing clients becomes as as easy as being able to shift into your emotions or shift the energy okay, and when we don't have the results in our life, our human brain tends to want to problem solve and go look for answers and take a lot of action and generally what happens is that you just taking action in the energy of this isn't working or feeling out of alignment, right which creates more of that and so really the thing isn't necessarily changing up the strategy or changing the thing and I was talking about this in the Facebook Live I did today where when I when I feel like I'm an imposter syndrome. That thing that I want to do is go and make a bunch of changes in my program or do things to feel better. But really, the solution to impostor syndrome is just the emotional piece of it. It's understanding that it's an emotional game. And when we are able to shift not only out of negative emotions because here's the here's what you really need to understand is that when we are in a negative emotion when we're feeling resistance, we do not have access to the magic and to manifestation. Okay, we're in the humaneness and so what we really have to learn how to do is learn how to get our bodies literally in a emotional state in order to take action and when we're taking action from not only it's could be strategic, but the action is coming from the embodiment that you already have the results and you're already feeling it and you're connected to the results already. And that's the thing that really puts it together. And actually I've seen this and this is such a case of my effortless sales and it's so fun now where it's so fun to be able to guarantee results in all of my programs because regardless if I'm selling strategy or if I'm selling the energetics, I know that both pieces have to be there. And so I'm able to help my client if they're stuck in the energy and sometimes it is just a strategy and when you're able to see and work with both and that's really when it gets so, so easy. Okay, so let me take you I'm going to actually want you to get in your body to really understand this because this is not, I don't want us to take in more information. I want you guys to actually experienced this and through that transformation of experience that you understand because what I really want you to get into is to a place of embodiment and embodiment is you already having the results and it's automatic, right. You don't have to think about it. So let me use an example the example of when I first started my business, my first goal was to make $100,000 in my business, right like I really wanted that and with every single ounce of my being I believed that I can make $100,000 Right and I really wanted to and I was hooked and I remember I was like cry over I remember getting coaching me like I really want you I want you I do believe I do believe but but the truth was is that I didn't actually feel in my body. I had all of this doubt and resistance, but I was ignoring that part because I was so in my mindset work in my actions that I was able to like lie to myself, but what I really realized that the analogy I like to make is it was like spraying popery, or like perfume on poop. Like it's still poop. It still smells but you're just trying to like hide it enough to like, make it work. And that's ultimately what I was doing. And I call this smoking hopium and you guys have probably heard me say this often and this is my thing. I love talking about smoking hopium and when you're smoking hopium it's you're doing the actions you're maybe in the mindset but the but you actually don't believe it. It's not solid in your body. Okay, so let's do an experiment right now. So I want you to think in your mind right now about what is what is the goal in your business, right? So you can either do this and we're gonna do this for a month right? So you can either pick a money goal right, let's say you're trying to make 5000 or 10,000 or 20,000, or even just 1000 wherever you're at, or you could do it by client goal, right? So I'm trying to send in one client, two clients, three clients, I like to play with both sometimes thinking about money feels different than rather attracting clients, right? So maybe even play with both Okay, and so, think about right now. Think about that number, and we're just gonna play with money for right now. So I'm just gonna use the example of $10,000. So let's just say your goal is to make $10,000 This month, I want you to actually imagine somebody handing you a check right now or handing you $10,000 cash right now, in this moment, somebody just walks up to you, and gives you $10,000. How does that feel in your body? Right? That's one way to do it. Or you can think about on the end of this month, whatever day it is, that you look in your bank account and you see the money there. How does that feel in your body right now? I want you to get really, really aware. Does it feel like oh, yeah, of course. Thank you. Of course. Yes. This is easy. It's there. Or is there resistance? Does it feel real? Does it feel possible? And if it felt very real, then what I want you to do is I want you to double that number and think about that until you actually feel the resistance because I want you guys to see how it feels and if you when you did think about your number, and it felt resistance. Right? I want you to notice that and maybe what would it Matt, what would it feel like if your goal was just to make $1 See how certain that could feel in your body and what I want you guys to do what we're talking about here is the energy. It's just automatic, right? You're not overthinking you're just it happens and that's your setpoint where your emotion is it's not where your your thoughts do you create your emotion, but in order for that thought to become a belief, a knowing which then becomes an embodiment. You have to actually believe it and you have to be able to ship the emotion and what I see so much happening that's getting in people's way when they're doing the strategy is they're doing the strategy in either not the embodiment where they don't believe that they can get the results on some level or the strategy that they're doing doesn't feel good or aligned to them but they're doing it because somebody told them to it's not aligned. So this emotional piece is everything. This is what is required our ability to really be able to feel as if we already have the results as if it is already true as if this is the next right aligned thing that this feels so good that I believe that this is right. We're not just faking it. We're not just pretending it right and I think this like fake it till you make it thing is actually not working because all that's required of you to actually make it feel real instead of make it feel fake is that you actually address the doubt and all of the negative emotions that are there. Right. And I'm going to talk about that a minute because that's part of my solution. Right? But it's so important that you are not just work looking about it and this is what I see so much is that people are like, I don't have the results. What do I do? What do I do? Here's my mindset, but you're not going into the energy which is literally the thing that makes it work now, here's the truth in the beginning, right when I really put all this together, and then I decided that I was only going to take action. When my emotions I was in alignment and that was in the embodiment of it. Okay, so in the beginning what that would look like is that I would just do a lot of sitting in the feeling of the emotion right so I wouldn't be a ton it would took me a lot more time to take action because I would have to do the emotional work. But then what I realized is that once I did the emotion because I wasn't faking it, and I was actually the embodiment and I believe that it was actually easier and then the results would happen easy. So then I would take less action. Right this is actually how you collapse time and you make it easier as because by being the embodiment of it by tapping into what you know, not just based on what you think you know, or what you hoping to know, and, and doing things in doubt that you're actually coming from a clear place. And that is so key. And it's so fun because, you know, I've been studying this you know, I've been in the personal growth world for years now. If every single one of my mentors that I've worked with, on some level they all go back to when I take down like the crux of what they teach like the magic of what they teach us like how they get what they are is that they are just so clear on the results that they want. They're so intentional about it and they know how to shift into that they're doing the emotional work. So this is just such a big, big piece of it right and when you are trying to build a business and you're in the doubt and you're spinning and you're in negative emotions, not only does it not feel good and it's not fun and you're not getting the results you want but you're actually shutting yourself off from manifestation from playing and magic from playing and like all of the potential abilities and possibilities. So I've talked about this now in a couple of different episodes. And if you want to go deeper, you can go back to episode two, which is design, how to build a business and desire some like that. And I talked about the levels of consciousness and this is so important to bring into this conversation because the three levels so the three levels of consciousness is first it's just our predictability, which is just the consciousness of our human mind. That's like the 5% of the consciousness of what we see our brain we continue to predict what we already know. What we've already seen. So when we're coming from predictability, we're going to continue to create what we know we go off of what we know when you're able to shift into the next level, which is the level of possibility which is where really like manifestation is is like magic is in this possibilities. You're working. You're flirting a little bit above the level of predictability and how you actually get into possibility is through shifting your emotion. So how you get into man, how do you manifest anything how you play in the law, field, the law of attraction, how you play with a magic, right? It's by going out outside of what is predictable. And how we go outside of what is predictable is by using our mind and our imagination and our emotions and you cannot tap into and play with playing with possibility and potentiality and the magic when you are in the human emotions, you have to be able to be clear. You have to be from a very clear emotional state. You don't have to be like the highest emotion you can just be in neutral, but you just cannot be in doubt. You can't be in any of the negative you cannot be in result in the in, in the negative emotions and when you're looking at other coaches or people out there that are having huge launches and huge doing things that you're like oh my gosh, that's like so amazing. What they're actually able to tap into and how they're able to get those results is through being able to shift into the levels of possible into the level of punch level of possibilities, which is only through our emotions. And then the next level after possibility is potentiality which is I like to call that like magic where even our humaneness even our emotions intentionally created. We can't create miracles. Only what we can do is like flirt in there and play in there and allow it to like come through at the right time because sometimes there's some things we can't make happen but how we are able to tap in depth to that is just through flirting with the potentiality over it. Now when we try to focus on that, right so let's just say hypothetically you've been at like $3,000 months in what feels possible, is having a $5,000 month right you can make that little jump but what would be potential and really kind of out there for you would be hitting a $10,000 month but it's possible. If you're focusing, if you're now at three and you're focusing on at the 10 There's such a gap there that actually it could feel resistance. So instead of focusing all your energy on that $10,000 month instead just every once in a while you're like Oh, I'm just gonna flirt with like, hey, it could happen. Hey, it's possible. I'm not wrapping my energy around it, but I'm just open to it happening. Then you're able to play it even a different level of energy. We're just playing and flirting instead of being like oh, this has to happen. In the predictable field, which is where we're at that's predictable. We know we can keep on predicting what we've already done. That feels done. So for me, you know, my predictability in my business is like $15,000 a month. It's just predictable that just what I do what is possible and what I can do when I focus on it is like 20 $25,000 months and like what is potential what I've done before is, you know, a $50,000 month but I don't expect that every month and if I had put the expectations always hit the 50,000 It would be resistance because I'm not yet that person that can embody it. So when you're able to understand these levels and play with all three of them, that helps you feel safe to move throughout and play in what is possible when you're taking the actions right and when we're in the predictable field. And we're like it's the strategy that has to work and you're taking actions from this has to work this has to work. You're not actually you're in this resistant energy and instead of play being able to play in the possibility and the potentiality which I see cuts people off and then when you do the strategy in the second you don't see it working then So, let's talk about I actually have five things that I do to make my strategy work right. So whatever strategy you're using right now, just stick with that, right? You can apply what I'm teaching to this and this is what's going to make it so that you don't get stuck with following into thinking that the other person's strategy is the magic thing. That's going to work but rather you being the thing that's going to make it work. So, the number one thing is the first thing I do right is that I take ownership of my results in the strategy right so once again, I had talked about in the beginning how I gave away my power to Brooke because I did not invest in learning it. I was like, No, she's gonna do it for me. She's going to tell me how to do it. And I didn't even understand why I was doing things right. Like, like I said, when she asked us like, what's the strategy and none of us could tell her that's like, that was not a good alignment for us to be in a place where we don't really understand why we're doing things. And so when you hire a coach, or when you buy a program or you buy a strategy, which I think it's all of those things are good. What is really important is that you're going into this being like okay, they're half the piece of the puzzle. And then I'm the other half of the piece of the puzzle and what I know what I'm in control of is who I'm being while I'm doing this, right so what's my responsibility is to really understand that I'm going to apply it in a way that makes me feel good, right? So really taking ownership that I'm part of this. Now, the second thing that I do is when before I'm picking or how I actually pick my strategy or my next coach, is I buy based off of my intuition. Now I know a lot of people and this could be a whole other episode is is about selling from like this selling from fear versus like selling from desire. And sometimes we could think that we need to buy something because there's like this FOMO going on or that we're like emotionally triggered. So what is so important is that when you are you know making a decision to buy a strategy or work with a coach that it's actually an emotional decision that you're actually going into your intuition and you're checking in like, Does this feel right for me? And what you want to do is you actually want to a take your time to buy never feel pressured. To buy, but you want to be picking a person that when you look at their life when you look at the way they're running their business that it feels aligned to the way that you're running your business right and granted when I purchased from you know, the 100k mentorship, I didn't know the strategy and so I wasn't able to discern that but now I would know like, hey, you know, at this point, you know, I'm going I'm eventually gonna go back and play with some funnels, but at that point, it wasn't right for me it didn't feel right. And the best thing ever was to actually learn how to build my business, one person at a time without any funnels and that's ultimately what I want you guys to know is that I have last year I made over $200,000 Just on the energetics I didn't have any strategy. I just use the energetics which is what we were I talked about in this episode and that is what helped that's really what how I made my money is based on the energetics. Right professional
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sorry. Okay. So the third thing that I do is that I make whatever strategy that I'm going through my own, I adapt it, right. So I'll learn it. I'll take I'll learn what they're saying. And then I take that and I kind of filter it through my own intuition, and I filter it to through my human design type and how I best learn and how I best communicate and then I adapt it to myself. If there are people if you're working with people out there that you're like you have to do this way or no way. Like, those are the people you should be wary of. Okay. What you should be learning how to do is take what has worked for them because there's if it's worked for them, there is some proving knowledge it could work for you but what is really going to make it work for you is you making your own and adapting it it doesn't have to be like huge a document. It's just little things maybe how you apply it, how you learn it. Don't be afraid to take what other people are doing and make it your own. Okay. Now, the fourth thing that I do is that I have fun with strategy. I make it a game. And this is so so so so important. Because if we go into using strategy thinking that up this is the end all be all this doesn't mean it's gonna fix it and then it doesn't fix it. Then you're just stuck with more problems and you're like, oh, what's going on? So, what you have to be willing to do is you have to look at as as an experiment if we put pressure on one any one thing to work, it feels icky and hard. So you have to think of it as like an experiment. Right? Like literally testing it. So once you decide you get a strategy from somebody, well firstly, you just take ownership shake ownership of it, you make it your own, and then you commit to doing it. And then once you do the strategy and you go all out, you don't unplug from from the results because it's not working one day into it. You fully go all out you do the whole thing as I said and then you're able to look back and learn what worked, what didn't work. So either what's gonna happen is either it's gonna work and you have the results, and so you're winning, or you don't have the results and you're able to get some kind of feedback about what needs to change and from there, you're learning. So either way, it's always a win win. But when we put so much pressure on the strategy to work right away, and it doesn't, then we're going to take ourselves energetically out of alignment of it even working because our energy then goes to this isn't working and the thing that makes your strategy not work is sometimes the only thing that's going wrong is you thinking it's not going wrong is that it's not working because of the negative energy that you're in it. And so when you're able to like approach your strategy is just fun, and it's just a game and there's no pressure for this to work, then it gets because so much easier. And then it has room for to actually work. Think about a date a dating situation where if somebody were to show up on the first day and they're like, they want to get a proposal right away, right? They're like I need this to work. I need this this one opportunity. You're my only date will you marry me right? Like it would be a disaster. So you have to be willing to have fun with it and who knows. There are possibility there are people out there that have met on their first day it was the most amazing day ever. And then they're like we should get married right and have like run to Vegas. Like that's also a possibility but it's not the pressure we put on it every single time. It's just fun. So we have to come in and just be willing to flirt with it. Be willing to try it to be willing to experiment with it until it then works out through trial and error. Okay, now, the last thing I do to make my strategy work is alignment before action. I get aligned. I understand why I am doing any action before I actually do it. Now in the past if you would ask me why am I doing this so much? It would be because I think I should I should do this or because this person told me because I need to because this person, I need to do this right? It was not in alignment. So it's so important that you understand that you know exactly why you're doing things and not only understand why, but you're actually coming from desire and you're like I want to do this. So for me, my whole thing is before I take any action, I'm asking myself, why do I want to do this and if it's like because it's fun, because I want to share this because this is going to help people because I any of those I do it if it's coming because I because I'm like I need to make money I need to get clients I need to because I should because I because I should email my people weekly or whatever like the shutting energy of like you're just doing it to get the means to an end. Your strategy is not going to work no matter what strategy is. Okay? So it's so important that you understand why you're doing it, why the action and then also I actually before I show up and I share and I connected them on social media or I do anything. I make offers pretty much every day I actually anchor into what I call my energetic shift sequence and I actually shared this on the last episode I believe it was in either the one of the last few episodes I talked about this. And basically what I do is every day I'm asking myself, so whatever offer I'm working on that time whatever I'm offering I'm asking myself, why am I doing this like, and then I'm looking at it why am I doing this for me? Why am I doing this for my clients and why am I doing this for the world? And then I look at and then I write down what results are they going to get from from doing this or this offer? And then I write down how am I already the embodiment of the results. And I look for proof I wrote down proof of how this is already possible, and proof of how it's already done. And then I literally shift into the emotions and if there's any while I'm doing this work, if any resistance comes up, I'm clearing I'm not even going I'm not even moving on until I'm clearing it. So by the end of this exercise. I'm in the feelings of it is already done. Oh and the other the very first one I missed this question. The very first question I asked myself is like who am I like what's my truth and it's always back to like, I was born to do this like this is my passion like I'm I'm here to help people help women help entrepreneurs, help sole healers make money for their gifts, like that's who I am, right? So when you can bring it back to your truth and the more that this work is really attached to the desire and into that soul consciousness that part of you that is really it's what it's just part of God it's like part it's like the reason why you're here when you can take action from there and tap into that. That's the energy and generally what happens with this energetic shift sequences that every new offer that I make, I sit down and I do the super super deep and then every day I just go back and at this point I actually record like an audio and I just listened to it as I'm walking so it's like every day I'm tapping into it. So it's this is just the embodiment it's just a reminder of who I am. So after a week of like listening to this, it just like oh no, this is who I am. I know I'm doing it doesn't. There's no questioning, it just ends up being this embodiment and that's a huge thing with this energy work. In the beginning. It was a little bit harder. But now that I actually know how to shift my emotions at any point when I'm like out of alignment. I'm like, Oh wait, I know how to get back in I'm able to, like hold the embodiment of already having the results, which now is more like muscle memory. So now my state of being is that clients are coming in that I know how to find clients, which then makes it easier for clients to come or for my strategy to work. So that is just a huge part of this. Is the way so that's it. Those are the things I do just to recap. First, I take real ownership of it's not just me, it's not just the strategy that's gonna work with me the double deal. I use my intuition to strategy and make the strategy take the strategy and I make it mine. I have fun with it. I make it a game I experiment with it. And then I always am taking action. I'm doing alignment before acting. I'm getting so clear and I am the embodiment of it before doing it and here's why this all matters is that when you're able to really it just your offer what you do just feels like a part of who you are. It's like this energetic setpoint then everything becomes easy. Selling becomes easy showing up becomes easy because it just feels like oh, this is just what I do. Of course this is what it is. And so this is really how then strategy guests have fun because it just is like a game that you play. So there is no magic formula. I hate to say that. There is nothing out there that's going to work for you 100% of the time and that's the thing. I'm always having to tweak my strategy because I'm shifting and it always just comes back to No, let me repeat that. There's things that I do that I know work, but when I'm out of alignment, I have to go back in work for it. I have to go back and tweak it and then get back into that alignment that I know is going to work so I'm just willing to play with it. I know that not every even though I've had sold out offers and I've had success, I don't expect everything that I do is always going to be 100% I allow myself to be where I'm at. And wherever I'm at I'm able to go back and align through the energetics that then makes it work. So if you have not thought about this when you're doing your strategy this might be why your strategy isn't working. And if you're doing this a little bit, hopefully maybe you got a deeper understanding and you can just go back to your add this on top of your strategy and it's the thing that makes it work even easier. And that's what I'm seeing. We're like the energetics is a lubricant to make it work easier and faster when you're able to shift into the energy of already having it. So I hope that this is helpful. I love teaching this and it's so fun. It's actually this week has just been kind of like a homecoming because my original program effortless sales that I created my signature program and if you want to do a deep dive into the energetics, effortless sales is the energetics. And now that I'm selling this the strategy piece I'm so happy that I've already mastered the energy so now that my as my clients are getting through the end of it and applying it, I'm just like oh no, I know exactly like this is the next piece of it is this is the energetic piece that makes it work. So it's really fun and I just want to share this with you. So if you enjoyed this podcast, please share it so other people can find it tag me I'm still doing a giveaway. And at the end of this month I'm going to be pulling one name so if you like this podcast, please leave me a review. How you can win this giveaway is by either sharing it every time you share. It's an entry. Every time you write a review, it's five entries. And then when we get lucky winner is going to not only win, and actually what I've decided to do is I'm going to give I have a new offer called the offer fix where it's exactly I'm going to take you through this diagnostic program where you find exactly why your offer isn't selling and and how to fix it. Or if it's already selling how to make even more people I'm going to actually take you through that process. Amazing. So that's one piece of it. The other piece is that you're going to get invited to become a guest on my show. And the last piece is a little swag bag with some of my favorite things. So you have till the end of May please from the bottom my heart if you enjoyed this share, I just want to get this in people's hands I know that this specially this episode, there's so many people out there that under need to understand the energetic piece of strategy. And also Yeah, like this piece like playing with the energetics just alone without strategy could work like one person at a time. is literally how I that's what like effortless sales is is just being in a place of feeling good being aligned being aligned and finding clients through that so it gets to be easy. And just go out there and be you have fun with this and remember why you're doing it. Remember why you even started in the in the first place and the more often that you can connect back to your soul consciousness back to the place that you know that is your God given gift. The reason of why you're doing that when you're creating from there and coming from there. That's really the thing that is like the magic which is like the miracles that can happen. So sending love, and I'll see you guys next week.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai