Welcome back to the rebel soul podcast. So good to be here with you again my friend. Once again I am feeling so aligned as I am sitting down to record this episode right now I am feel filled with so many emotions. I feel like I could burst and it's partly excitement because I'm so excited to talk about what I'm going to be talking about today. It's one of my favorite topics. And I'm also just filled with so much love and gratitude for you guys. Thank you so much for the reviews and the shares and the messages that I have been getting since launching this podcast and I just appreciate every single one of you so if you guys did not hear I am doing a huge giveaway if you share and review this podcast but I'm gonna leave all those details at the end. So stick around to hear how you can win an amazing prize along with being invited to come on to my podcast. So today we are talking about the secret to building a business with ease, flow and fun. Now, I want to start off by just making a little caveat here and I want to say I hope you guys noticed that I did not use the word easy because I kind of think that this concept of like oh it should be easy is actually not true. Now, what I have learned and what I do know is that over time with business, it has become easier and there is lots of ease within my moment within my business in lots of flow and lots of fun. But easy is something that I would not use to build a business right like I just want to be honest with you guys. This is the raw truth right like there are moments in your business that are hard. But when you learn what I'm going to teach you today, what that will allow in your business is more ease, more flow and more fun. And with that it becomes easier. Okay, so when I first started building my business I in You guys probably know this, there are so many different ways to build a business. There are so many coaches out there teaching there's so many strategies. There's so many ways and so this is a good news because it's good news and bad news because the bad news is that there's so much information out there that you can really get overwhelmed and look for answers in all the wrong places. But the good news is is that there are so many different ways that it could work for you and one of the things that you need to be constantly asking yourself as a business owner or somebody who is trying to monetize your gifts as does this feel good for me or what do I want to do? Because with the number of ways it could work, you might as well choose a way that feels right for you. Now, when I first started my business, my first 18 months of business, I remember them very distinctly because it was a very different energy that I built my business in. And as much as I was super motivated and really wanted to my goal was to make 100k My first out my first year $100,000 My first year and it was in this way where I was shitting all over myself like it actually felt really icky and I almost was like traumatized after 18 months of building a business where I was like wait, is this how it feels like this isn't as fun as I thought like, I thought it was going to be fun. Having a business and here it's like it's hard. It feels hard. And it really felt like I was checking off the boxes. And at one point I read, I paid a ridiculous amount of money to a coach to have that coach, tell me exactly what to do. And if I didn't do it their way then I was gonna get kicked out or I wasn't going to be able to do any more right where I was like pretty much like forced to do it their way and what this taught me and by the way, I'm so frickin happy I had that experience because what it taught me is that it taught me that there it doesn't have to be that way right that why I was doing the actions was not because I actually wanted to and because it felt aligned to my soul but because somebody told me to and I was so at that point really attached to getting the results so that I could prove to myself that I could really do it that I was willing to do it in a way that didn't feel good because I felt that that was the only way and also to at that point, I was so new. I was so green. I was listening to people that was like, Oh, this is the way you have to do it. Like it was like all of these rules that I was trying to fit and I actually believed these rules. And it was really those rules that didn't feel right to me, right so once again this program is about learning how to discern this discernment within ourselves of how something feels right does it feel good? Does it not feel good? And I want to give you guys permission and continue to have you guys question like what feels right for me, you guys there are no rules there is this is literally like we're making we actually get to make the rules of the universe by what we decide and what we choose to be true. Right and we're going to talk about I'm going to talk about this in this episode of like getting to choose what is true and not and getting to choose our rules right because the way that I did it and I feel a lot of people start this way is that they're in this I need to get clients I need to build a business and they're doing it from I need to be motivated in the motivation is the thing that is the is really what is pushing them but then when that motivation is gone, it just feels like crap. And there's actually another way to build a business and it's not for motivation. It's from a place from in ternal inspiration. So instead of being pulled, it's instead of being pushed, you're being pulled internally from where you want to be doing it where you're being guided right and this is in business right it's like this energy of needy energy of I need to get clients and he just I need to get the sale versus I want to inspiration and what we're talking about is desire, right? And really the answer of how you go from making it feel really hard and like checklist is to take inspiration take instructions take all of our guidance from our de zire Okay, now, what is desire? I'm sure you guys have heard of the word desire but i My goal is to help you have a whole new relationship with not only what desire is but where it comes from and the power of it. Okay? So desire is just a strong feeling a wanting of something, a wishing for something. It's an impulse, right, it's coming from in so what I want you guys to think about right now is and I'm sure you guys have heard the word desire and you have desires, you know this word, but have you ever stopped to think of where this desire is coming from? Think about it. Right just like pops up there. Like we're actually all born with preferences. Even if you have never stopped to ask yourself, what is your desires? We naturally have preferences in life, whether it's for food, or for people, or for personalities, right like have you ever stopped to think where that is and how we're all a little bit different. Not everybody has the same desire. Not everyone has the same preferences. And the answer is that where that's coming from, is from our soul consciousness. Now and last the last Episode Episode Number one, I introduced my concept of different levels of consciousness, right and what we're used to working from is our conscious mind, or even our subconscious mind, right? We're just taking guidance from our thoughts, which is really just our programming the things that have been programmed for programmed in us. But what we are missing out on is if we don't tap into our soul consciousness, which our soul consciousness is the part of us that is not human. It's our soul. It's our intuition. It's actually God its source. It's whatever thing that is higher, higher than us, right the part of us outside of us. That is where the desire is coming from. Now, here's what is so freakin powerful. And you guys, this is what I believe. And once again, this podcast is all about helping you go into your body and see what feels right for you. Right and what I know and what I believe with every little sense of my being what I just know to be true. I know it like I know the sky is blue and that the grass is green, which is that our desires are coming from God from source and that if we have the desire for something that that desire is meant for us. And in fact, there is a direct line from that desire to the thing that we want and if we just know how to follow that desire that we will get the path of least resistance to that desire to that thing and so therefore, I actually this came from my inner voice and it was so profound and I've talked about this before and I've done quotes about this, but you guys our desires are our instructions. It's the most it's literally in the thing is how we know that we're hearing from our soul consciousness is because of our feelings, right? So the mind is all about the thoughts and yes, the feelings played in through the mind that our programming that's a whole other episode, but really, our feelings are is what guiding us that's how our inner voice our soul consciousness, it speaks to us through feelings inside through knowings through intuitive hits, right in this desire is a piece of that it's just coming from us and it's so important that we are giving ourselves permission to follow this desire that is inside of us. I also believe that when we feel good, that is a sign that we are in alignment with our truth right when we feel the things when we're feeling good. That means we're in alignment when we're feeling bad. That means that some it's a sign that we are out of alignment to our truth. And desire is just a deeper level of happiness to me right so when we are able to access our desires and not only allow ourselves to feel the desires and have our desires and take action from desires, but it's really the thing that is so pure, it's pure alignment when we are taking action from these from these desires. And this is really what I figured out and it's really I would say in the last 18 months of my business so I quit my corporate job at the end of 2017 and I have been a full time coach since then. So go in my fifth year a little bit over five years of being an entrepreneur and the first 18 months was this shooting in the hardness and the doing things from other people. Then there was probably like a good year where I was just trying to figure things out and giving myself space, but really in the last 18 months since I have really found and connected to my soul consciousness and really made desire the thing that I'm leading from my business, everything has changed right? This is a matter of feeling like icky about like hey I thinking first off thinking that I had to do a lot of things right shooting all over myself, Oh, I have to post or I have to send an email or I have to have a funnel or I have to have right these things that just I was doing that. I didn't even know why I was doing because I was told versus doing things. Only doing things in my business that feel good and that feel fun. And as a result of doing this, I have not only doubled my income and now making multiple six figures a year but I'm working way less and traveling full time as I've been doing it and living in Mexico and traveling like last year. I took a total of like three months off from my business and doubled it and it was because things just got really easy and the results came because I was just following my desire is and as a result as a result of my desires. My old podcast spiritual bullshit podcast was born. Our mastermind was born. I got the intuitive hit to sell all my things and travel right and so I literally am living this life and have a business that is beat on my mind dreams. And it's all a result of learning how to follow the desire and really take instructions from the soul consciousness. So I want to show I really want to go into the how of how I did this right because that's what I want for you. And once again, this podcast is just evidence of what is possible for you and I know you if you are listening to this podcast, you have this knowing in your soul this desire to not only help people but to have a business and have money and have the freedom. But you can have all those things. But if it feels hard, and it feels icky, then it does it's like why even bother and I've had those moments in my business where I'm like, why am I even doing this? This feels so hard. And since making the shift and learning how to come from my desire, it's been different. So let's get into Okay, so here's the first thing that I want you guys to do. Okay, so I want you to give yourself permission to want the things that you want. Now, this sounds easy, but it's actually probably a lot harder than we think because there's just we aren't taught, right? We aren't taught to allow ourselves to desire and there's just so many programming that is that comes up with this right so here's really like what what happens in like my life experience and I'm sure it's very similar to you, right? So what's gonna happen is give yourself permission to want what you want, right? And maybe what this looks like is you taking some time and just being with yourself and asking the question and then opening like literally like feeling in your body, allowing whatever to come up into the ether come up and running it down. Right? That's where it starts up. Now what's going to happen is that after you give yourself permission to really see what the desire is and give yourself permission, then there's going to be this mind drama. And there's doubt that comes up. And this is really the thing that gets in the way. The desire is always there. In fact, you may or may not already know your desires. But it's the second piece which is the mind that really comes up that that prevents us from following this right. And here's what my experience was is that, you know, we are programmed from the time that we are born until probably adults to listen to what other people say and especially for approval. So think about like parents, teachers, bosses, right. So in order to feel loved in order to feel accepted to order to get their approval, right, we would do the things that they would say to do, right like, you know, you know, brush your teeth do this right. And we just followed it. And so we were taught naturally, not to do what we want but to do what other people tell us to do because that's how we gain approval and love and how we were you know really like even growing up with like school and work right chasing the gold stars and looking for the promotions we're following what other people do and fitting into their mold so that we can get the approval so that we can then feel good enough right? But what we have to learn how to do is actually reverse this right can you imagine if growing up your parents, your teacher or your bosses would be like, Hey, what did you whatever you want, do what feels good, right? And that's what we need to do with ourselves is that we need to start giving ourselves permission to do what feels good because what is actually ingrained and what is programmed in us is to do what other people think or what we were told. So this is officially your permission. And officially part of what is going to get you to where you want to go is by literally doing what you want. By doing what feels good. We don't even think there's options because we're not used to having options because we're just doing we're used to doing what we're told and so part of being a business owner is really fricken owning that you're in charge that you get to do it your way. And in fact, the way that's gonna get you there is by doing it the way that feels the best. That feels like it lights you up what we're really talking about there's like a little deeper of a topic here, which is trust, right, and we were taught to trust other people. We were taught to trust authorities and put our comfort in our safety in those processes. But what we have to do and what was required of us is to actually take back our power. Take back where we are getting our safety and we're finding our safety where we're finding this guidance, and it's coming from within and it's coming literally from our desires. Okay, so what I want you guys to understand here is that you really got to get it this is not just a matter of going to the inner boys mean like okay, I got my desires. Now let's do it because what's going to happen is that your brain, which is the programming which has so much control is going to get in the way so you actually the next step after giving yourself permission, right, so step number one is giving yourself permission. Step number two is then addressing the mind and getting the mind on board so it feels safe and that it's not going to go against old programming. So I literally had to reprogram how I thought about desires and my rules around desires and just some general rules of how I live life. So here's the major reprogramming that I had to do to really allow desire to be the thing that pulls me in these might these beliefs also might be there for you. And if that's the case, then take these beliefs and do the work I'm going to tell you to do right so here they are. Right so the program I had to break was you need to work hard to be worthy of earning money and clients are hard. I can't be easy. I'm not worthy of receiving without doing I have to make myself do things so that other people like me, right so these are really the things like these are deep subconscious beliefs that when I got curious as to what was in my way, these are the these are the things that came up okay. And what I really had to do and it actually I'm gonna Yeah, let me go into here this now like this could be a whole topic but I want to go here so the opposite of desire is doubt. Okay, you guys really sit with this? Doubt is the number one thing is actually the only reason why you do not have what you literally want right now is because there's doubt some kind of doubt or resistance around it. Right so once you're able to find your desires and admit your desires, then the next piece is removing the doubt from it. And it's just in the form of all of those programming that is in the way of thinking it needs to be hard and all of those things. So what I had to do is I actually reprogram my belief and this is the work that I do with my clients. I'll probably go deeper on an episode on this. I have my own process for helping people who really believe right and this is the whole thing is that affirmations are not are not enough, you actually have to shift the emotion you have to actually feel it so I have a whole process. So I'm going to give it to you briefly here right so ultimately you have to look at any thoughts that come up any doubt you bring it up to the surface, then you ask yourself, is this true? Actually, the very first thing is to feel the doubts, right? So if there's any resistance you just without looking at it too much without making any meaning without any stories, you just feel it. And then once you finally process that feeling in your in a complex then you look at the thought that caused the feeling. And then you have to poke holes in that you have to be like, Is this really true? The answer is always no. Then you have to list the evidence of why that's not true. Then from there, you have to reframe it and then look for the evidence of how the opposite is true. This is what I do every single time every single one of those beliefs that I just listed above. I took in I poked holes in and I told new stories and that's what's required and so it's one thing to just feel it and have our have the desire but the thing that's getting in the way is the old programming and you guys this is work. This actually took me work to to then believe a new new thoughts around doubt and so my new thoughts that actually believe and when I say these out loud, I feel it every single ounce of my soul and here's my new beliefs that I reprogrammed, right so it's desire is my instruction. My desires are from God. My desires are safe, my desires are meant for me. I get to do what I want. What I want is the right thing. Right so those because those now feels so true to me. Now when I do get a hit of desire when I do get of inspiration, I I'm like oh, there's absolutely I can have this I can do this and so it's easy and there's no resistance of it. Okay, so just to like recap where I'm at of like how to actually take guidance from your desires, right. So the first is giving yourself permission. The second piece is the whole mindset part. Right having to get the mind on board, literally releasing the resistance around it and practicing a whole new way of looking at it coming up with new beliefs. And then the third thing that I did was then I took action, right and so what this would look like is you want to play with it. Right? So in the next week, I want you guys to really be aware of your desires and the things that light you up and when you do when desire does come then take action from that desire and maybe it's little things at first, right maybe it's not like what I did was when I was in vacationing in Mexico and heard from my inner voice like oh yeah, you should just go home and sell all your things and become a digital nomad. Like, I did do that and it took me one second to decide. And then six weeks later it happened. But I did that after like months and months and months and months of practicing and following my desire. So maybe you don't do the scariest thing. Maybe it's an idea for sharing something or maybe it's just for desire to wear a certain thing or to eat a certain thing or to do something against what maybe a friend or a spouse wants to do like to truly just follow your desires because it's the action in the doing it. That then gives you new evidence of what's possible, right? So it's one thing to sit in your head all day and like, look at your thoughts and be like okay, yeah, this is no, not true. But the thing that makes something else real, the thing that's going to really make a new belief believable, is that there is some action and there are some proof along with it. Because once you take a little step of following your desires and then you see that actually worked better than you thought and you're like oh wow, this is actually worked with this is better than I can imagine. Now you actually have proof and you have an emotional experience to then make it real. Right. So this is such a huge part of it and I want you to make this a game right like in your business. Ask yourself like hey, what what feels fun from desire this week and then go do it and see like, maybe it works better, right? Then you can even imagine, but it's just not just making it a concept but it's actually going out there and having fun with it. So here's let me give you some examples of like, how I actually play with this and what this looks like in my business. So for instance, I don't know if that's ever happened to you, but I know it used to happen to me a lot and actually still happens to me now but I'm able to get out of it so fast, which is I'm in that place where I'm like okay, what do I do next? Or oh, I feel like I should do this or I don't know what to say right? This is like little plays if there's confusion. Whenever that happens. What I do is I stop. I'll take a couple of deep breaths. And then I'll ask myself what feels like most fun right now. Now, that answer could be work related or something that's going to move me forward in my business or it could be as simple as like playing a song or playing with my bubble gun or taking a beach walk or doing something that is from desire. And then from that and then once I do it in I'm in this place where I feel really good. And then there's usually an inspired idea but my business or the next step will come right so either the next step is related to my business and it shows up and I'm like this is what I want to do. Or I go and I have fun. I follow desire and while I'm in just enjoying life and in that desire, an idea will pop up and inspiration will come and then I'll do it. This works all of the time. Now the thing that gets in the way is that when you stop and you're just like I'm gonna go have fun and do my desire and then your brain is like, Yeah, but you really should be working and this isn't productive and things that come up right like that. When you're doing that. You have to stop and be like nope, and so I actually had to like, give myself like periods of time where it looked like I was quote unquote, doing nothing, but I was just giving myself permission to like get used to following my desires Another example is just this particular episode. I was walking on the beach doing my morning walk like I think the day that yeah, it was actually on Monday, the day that that first episode came out. I was I don't know if I was listening to it, but I was like in the mode and I was thinking about it and like what do they need next? And I was like, Oh my gosh, I have to talk about desire. And on my walk. I got all of these ideas and so I pulled out my notebook on my phone and like took all of them down and then over the next few days like kind of filled in the rest and here I am recording it and all of it was just as a result of like doing the things I love the inspired ideas come in then I take action on it from that inspired idea. And once again, this is from inspiration. I'm not like oh, I had to motivate myself to do it or oh I should we be doing this like let me get ready like right. It's coming from a very different place. The motivation is coming from the mind. The inspiration is coming from the soul. And how you get into the inspiration is through desire is through pausing, and it just takes some time to trust that it's going to come and the more you do it the more you'll see that it always comes in so now it's like I never ever have to worry about the next steps. I don't have to worry about when money and clients are going to come from because I always know that I'm internally guided to the right next thing that's gonna get me there because if I desire the clients, if I desire the money, it will come. Right and that's a huge part of this work that I've done is just this, like I'm so clear. There's no room for doubt. I just know, right? Like if I desire it, it is mine. And then I take action on it and I trust and then it shows up right and it doesn't always look the way I think I'm gonna do sometimes I'm like, wait, what's going on? And sometimes it looks better than I can imagine. But in the end, it's like always like, Oh, wait, yes, I get it. This makes sense. So, I really I want to say that like desire is my bae, my my boo. He's, it's like my, it's the thing that rules my business. Right? It really is my best friend. It's my guidance. And what I've also realized is that not only does desire just like follow the following desire to actually get the results you want. But desire actually plays in in such a deeper level in my business, especially when it comes to signing clients and sales. So I want you to think about this. So let's, let's play with the energies of desire versus the energy of needy energy, right? So think about actually let's think about like dating a moment, right? So think about somebody who really, really wants to get married right and they might be in this like, I need to get married like I need to date like when somebody is in that energy and they're dating like guys can feel it. People can feel it like I need it. And I know that there's a lot of people that build their businesses from the same energy of like, I need to get clients like this like desperate raishin right this like if I don't get clients and like I'm not going to feel validated. It's the same thing with dating and people are selling from the energy but there's a whole other energy that you can be selling from and that is from desire. Right and how this looks and how this sounds versus in the single the DNA example right? So somebody who shows up to a date that they know that they are desirable, they are in their knowing of who they are and that they're just coming from desire, right? And they're not only like I desire to be here with you, but they're like I am desirable. I know you want it I am wanted what I have is desirable when you know that you're desirable and you're coming from desire, or well, it makes us though you're a magnet for all kinds of things, right? They're rather this is dating or this is man right? The energy of like I am desirable, is so different. And this is exactly the energy that I teach and I play with with not only how I sell but how I teach sales and for those that maybe don't know me very well. I have 15 years of sales experience. I am a sales expert. In fact, I call myself the sales QUEEN and i really specialize in what I call feminine energetic sell selling sales, which is really just based on desire. It's based on being in this energy of being leaned back, right, just trusting and when you think about if you hate sales, or if you don't like sales or if you feel icky or it just feels uncomfortable when you're selling it's because you're actually coming from this place of neediness, you're coming from this masculine energy. That is I need to get the results so I can feel good like I need to have this right. Versus a feminine energy which is trust, which is coming from desire, which is lean back. And really how I teach this is that when you are when you know that what you have is desire herbal if you know that what you offer is good. And you trust it. You're able to you just are the embodiment of it. It's just who you are right when you are just in your element. You're like yep, this is who I am. I know I'm desirable. I know that what I offer is good. And I trust that people want this. It feels very different. It's actually this leaned back energy. And what makes selling so easy from this energy is it just a it's very matter of fact, it's not like you're trying to convince somebody it's not like you're lean forward but rather than I just am, this is just who I am. And what I call this is just embodied sales right now embodiment is just it's being who you really are right your truth of who you are, is just that you are the embodiment of it. And when you are the embodiment of what you sell, then selling is just an extension of who you are. And it's not having to convince anybody. It's just being so there's a whole different energy that goes into it. And that's really like and once again, you guys, this whole podcast, a whole piece of it is sales is the soulful sales. And when you're when you know how to use, desire, the desire that God gave you, that is you which is the alignment of you and you can sell from there. It is power and there's no pickiness, it just it's so magnetizing it's just like it makes you a magnet for all of the right people. So what I think is really important to say here when we're talking about this, like selling is that we're often taught that way and once again, going back to like how people teach certain rules about marketing, right, where it's like, you got to sell from fear now, I do think it's important to understand people's pain points, and I think it's important to be able to speak in their words and talk about their pain points. But there are people out there that are selling from this fear, to put people to put people in the zone of like FOMO, right, if I don't get this now that I'm going to move, well, I'm going to miss out. And sometimes what happens is that when you're selling from this fear, you're motivating people from the wrong level of their consciousness, right so the reason why people buy is for our emotions, and it's either good emotions or bad emotions, right? So they can buy from this feel fearful place, but it's generally coming from old triggers or old wounds. And so they're they're taking action from this place or buying in this place of fear. So it's not always aligned. But when you're able to talk to somebody's desires. That desire is coming from the soul consciousness. It's coming from like the pureness of who you are and when people are buying from desire and they're making decision from from desire it's very powerful to very different type of energy, where it's it's very aligning to them if your soul if your desire is leading you to do something then that means it is meant for you. So what this means when you're able to sell from this feminine desire is that you're actually able to tap into somebody's part of them the truth of who they are, the alignment and speak to the part of them that is their soul. That is to your soul. And I call this soul to soul selling. And what happens is that when you sign clients that are at the right time, it's coming from their true desires, and they're saying yes to that it's very powerful because from that place, they are able to get the results they want. And what I've seen in the past is that when I've sold from fear and I've sold to people that felt like convincing them to buy from you, they're not fully ready or they're not fully it's not a fully aligned decision. And so I felt like the whole time I was working with them it was like resistance or having to pull them forward because I was convincing them rather when I sold in this lean back when I sold from desire. They were pulled from desire and so just the results they got in the relationship and everything around it was so much more aligned. So these are the little things that when you're able to understand desire, and not only just you personally, build your business from the desire that's inside of you, so not only do you do is that desire your instructions and gonna get you to the results you want, but it's actually going to feel better. It's going to be more easeful. It's going to be fun because you're doing the things you want, and not because of the things you think you should be. Right. That's one piece of the puzzle. And then the other piece of the puzzle that desire brings into your business is understanding how to sell from desire, understanding how to talk to people's desire, so that they're buying from this place of desire and also once again, becomes very easy. You're not having to convince and work and it feels icky. But instead it's like this lean back trust, you're just being you and once again the universe is delivering you desire and it's their desire from their souls, their soul clients. And this, my friends, as when business gets really good when this this way of being this way of knowing just becomes on repeat and then clients are showing up so clients are showing up on repeat so here's where I just want to leave some final thoughts I want this to be quick, impactful little episode here. And so you guys. Desire changed my life, understanding desire, rewiring my brain and my programming around desire and taking actions from desire selling from desire has made it so it's just so easy in my business and not only just my business but also my life. I don't just you don't just take it. It's not just my business is in all parts of my life. As a result of listening to that desire. I'm literally living my dream life I'm sitting right now in a beautiful jungle that's on the beach. And I am birthing my life's work right now. Like I am redoing my signature program effortless sales right now and I'm getting to do this in the most beautiful space because I freakin manifested this because my desire my soul consciousness led me to this moment where podcast episodes are flowing out of me in this huge program that I'm creating is feeling easy in it because I know it and it's because I'm just so tapped into the soul consciousness that is creating for itself. So this is possible for you to and trust was really the thing that made it work right so one piece is following desire but the trust is the other piece and how you actually build that trust is through the actions is taking the actions when you don't quite believe it yet is doing the inner work and now as a result, it just feels fun. It feels easy. I'm like oh my gosh, everything just gets it's getting easier. I remember when it would take me like literally all day long to write one post and now I don't even like seeing the word posts like share my for my soul right to like, write emails or to write for my soul is to take me so long now. It's like I can bust it out within like 2030 minutes or maybe a little bit longer depending on what I'm writing but it's just feels easy and it just because I got out of my mind I got out of the thing that's that was making it so hard and I just truly just come from this desire and I I'm like I can't believe that other people aren't doing this. This is really the answer. Okay? So give yourself permission to claim your desires. I really want you guys to sit with this for a minute. Like, what do you really desire if you could have anything if you could do anything? What would you want? Get honest with yourself, right? Give yourself 24 hours right now starting from now, only follow your desires and then notice when the resistance comes up, and then when the resistance comes up, clear it, feel it, look at it and that is going to get you there. So this is just proof that you guys can build businesses that feel good that feel lit up when you're able to trust your desires Okay, so I hope that this was helpful for you. I will continue to talk about desire because it's one of the main things that makes me me and is how I got to where I am. So my friends my wish for you is that so my friends, just reminder. Your desires are your instructions. They are safe your desires are meant for you. Give yourself permission to claim it and see your life in business transform. And once again, thank you again to those who rated and reviewed my podcasts as I was saying in the beginning, I am doing a huge giveaway right now, for the launch of my podcast where one lucky person is going to win a Grand Prize of not only a swag bag with some My Favorite Things and a 60 minute soul strategy call with me and my eyes on your business. But you're also going to win a chance to become featured on this podcast. All you have to do to win is to review this podcast or to SHARE IT on the social medias and tag me if you review it. It will be five entries in every share it's one after you review it take a screenshot and email it to Lauren at Lauren csgo.com and you'll be entered the giveaway is going to happen at the end of May. And the whole reason why I'm doing this is not only because I love giving things away, but you helping you leaving reviews and sharing is helping this get into other people's hands and I'm just so passionate about sharing this with the world and I know that what I'm teaching is changing lives. So as many people that can get this that means there's gonna be more people doing the thing that lights them up making money and putting that money in the hands of good people. So it truly would mean the world to me if you would share this podcast and also rate it and until next time you guys I'm sending you love and talk soon.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai